URGNT health protocols


We live in precarious times. Information regarding public health is changing daily and we are doing our best to adjust our model to keep participants' health a priority. That said, every participant in the URGNT series understands that following these protocols does not negate the possibility of getting sick when you leave your home. 

  1. No one who has travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days may participate in URGNT.

  2. Maintaining 2-meter distance between all participating members is mandatory.

  3. Face masks and gloves for all participating members is mandatory. Those that cannot play/operate their instruments wearing masks or gloves will be asked to keep them on when not playing/operating.

  4. No physical contact.

  5. We will have disinfectants and wipes available for equipment and surfaces.

  6. Cast and crew will be responsible for bringing their own water. No food allowed.

  7. 10 people maximum in the room at any given time. This is 5 crew, 4 musicians max, and 1 venue liaison. When not needed, participants will be asked to wait outside.

  8. Call time will be 4 hours maximum.

  9. No one with compromised immune system or any signs of infection will be allowed to participate.

If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding our health protocols, please do not hesitate to contact us. Note again that we will be adapting daily according to the evolving situation.